Writing Fiction For Kids!

Jun 2nd, 2014 | By | Category: Current Projects

After years of reading voraciously, and never really thinking that I could write my own stories, I took the plunge and stepped over to the other side of the paper … and have had a blast doing it!

Is there a lot to learn?

You bet – but one particular epiphany made all the difference: I used to think that stories were simply spilled out of writers heads (they are) perfectly-formed (they are not).

As soon as I gave myself permission to write rubbish for my first draft … oh my, was that liberating!

So, if you are thinking that maybe you have a story in you, then I highly recommend reading a book or two about story structure and writing, which you will immediately see describe an iterative process.

That’s right – the story gets better and better as you write and edit and revise.

A funny thing happened – I thought I’d start with a genre that didn’t need so much ‘research’ to see if I could actually write anything half-decent (after editing of course!) … so I chose, of all things, Middle Grade Fiction (you know, the land of Harry Potter).

Let me tell you, writing for kids is harder than adults!

On top of that, I chose parallel worlds and two protagonists, one female, one male.

Like I said, there’s a lot to learn.

But a lot of fun on the way 🙂

If you’d like to see the work so far, head over to my Amazon Author page here: http://www.amazon.com/Robert-Scanlon/e/B00EMW0764

Ciao for now!


PS. Read about the forthcoming release, the third book in The Dreamer Chronicles, here: The Dreamer Chronicles Trilogy, Part III

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